Launch of the project IPMED with focus on the enhancement of support services and capacities in relation to Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) issues.


The Project “IP Capacities for Smart, Sustainable and Inclusive Growth in the Mediterranean Region” (IPMED), in which the Thessaloniki Chamber of Commerce and Industry participates as a partner, aims to contribute to the innovation potential of start-ups, young and women entrepreneurs, through enhancement of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) support and capacities.

The Project’s specific objectives are:

a)     To set up / upgrade specialized IP support services and resources.

b)     To strengthen IP related knowledge & awareness of start-ups, young and women entrepreneurs through actions of training / coaching.

During the implementation of the project, TCCI will be involved in the following actions:

  • The conduct of research to assess the needs of all target groups at the regional level (MSMEs, innovative start-ups, young and women entrepreneurs, relevant associations) in relation to IPR issues.
  • The implementation of seminars (workshops) addressing to businesses and innovation service providers, to reinforce sharing of experiences and uptake of best practices.
  • The creation and dissemination of Guidebooks for Business Development & IP Awareness, for start-ups and young innovative entrepreneurs.
  • The creation of a support IPR service for start-ups.
  • Pilot actions to raise awareness about IPR issues that concern local start-ups, young and women entrepreneurs.

Jordan Entreprise Development Corporation – Irbid Branch, based in Jordan, is the lead partner of the project. Besides TCCI, Finanziaria Ligure per lo Sviluppo Economico F.I.L.S.E. SPA from Italy, AGORA Institut for Knowledge Management  from Spain and the Tunis Chamber of Commerce & Industry from Tunisia, also participate in the project.

IPMED project has been approved in the framework of the European programme ENI CBC MED. TCCI will manage a total budget of 165.550,40 €, 90% of which is EU funding and 10% is national funding. The implementation of the project will last three years, having as a launch date the 05th.09.2020. The launching event and the first project meeting took place on the 10th and 11th February 2020 in Amman, Jordan, where also TCCI participated.

More info about the project and the participant partners, you will find here. You can also contact the TCCI Dpt. of Studies & Research, tel. 2310-370180 & 182.