The TCCI participates in:

  • Union of Hellenic Chambers
  • The Centre for International and European Financial Law
  • The Council for the Regulatory Plan and Environmental Protection of Thessaloniki
  • The International Chamber of Commerce
  • The Regional Council of Central Macedonia
  • The Administrative Council of the Society for the Development of Privately Owned Infrastractures of Northern Greece
  • The Committee of the Centre for the Study and Growth of the Hellenic Culture in the Black Sea region
  • The Informal Co-ordinating Council for the Economic and Cultural Development of Thessaloniki
  • The Association of the Mediterranean Chambers of Commerce and Industry (ASCAME)
  • The Central Union of Chambers of Greece
  • The Greek Chamber of Transportation Associations
  • The Chamber Group for Development of the Greek Islands
  • The Interbalkan Co-operation Committee of the Ministry of Macedonia - Thrace
  • The Permanent Committee for Facilitating Foreign Trade HELLASPRO, in the framework of the SECI (SOUTHEAST EUROPEAN COOPERATIVE INITIATIVE) project
  • The Committee for Expansion of the European Union of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • The Central Macedonia Committee for Regional Enterprice Programme Monitoring
  • It participates, through the Greek Chambers Office in Brussels, in authorised Councils and Committees of the European Union
  • Hellenic Network for Corporate Social Responsibility
  • CERTH Support Council
  • Impartiality Committee for the certification in the framework of IPIDE-SEVE