One-Stop Shop (YMS) - Establishment of General and Limited Partnerships (OE and EE)

According to Law 3419/2005 (Government Gazette 297 / A / 6.12.2005) the General Commercial Registry of GEMΗ was established. Also, Law 3853/2010 (Government Gazette 90 / A / 17.6.2010) simplified the process of establishing personal and capital companies through the One-Stop Shops (YMS).

At TCCI there is an OSS (YMS) for the establishment of partnerships (OE & EE) through which the establishment is made (legalization of OE & EE).

Supporting Documents for the establishment of an ΟΕ - ΕΕ  (in Greek)

One-Stop Shop (YMS) - Establishment of a Private Capital Company

Law 4072/2012 (Government Gazette 86 / A / 11-4-2012, articles 43-120), as amended and in force, established a new corporate form, the Private Capital Company (I.K.E.).

According to article 24 of Law 4712/2020 (Government Gazette 146 / 29-07-2020) and the Ministerial Decision no. Cfi. 109491/16-10-2020 (Government Gazette issue B 4619/20-10-2020) from 01/11/2020 the establishment of an I.K.E. is carried out exclusively through the Electronic One-Stop Shop (e-YMS). (In cases where the founder is a foreign legal entity, the issuance of a VAT number will be made at the competent Tax Office before the establishment process {e -YMS}). Therefore, after the expiration of the above date, it will not be possible to accept IKE establishments through the "One-Stop Shop" of the Chamber.