Welcome to the website of
Thessaloniki Chamber of Commerce & Industry
The white tower connected
green iguana

E-chamber offers a variety of personalized services to its members.

green iguana
General commerce registry

It is the general commercial publicity register, in which all changes and other public information established by Law are registered and published

green iguana
One stop shop

The G.E.MI. Service of T.C.C.I. operates as One-Stop Service for the establishment of the legal entities defined in article 16 par. 1 Law 4919/2022

green iguana
Export Department’s Services

The Department of Exports is responsible for issuing Certificates of Origin and certifying other trade documents.

green iguana
Digital signature

Eliminates the use of a special device, USB Token, etc. and allows the validation of documents from wherever.

Ebeth president

The website of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Thessaloniki (TCCI) aims at providing concise and accurate information to any interested business person both from Greece and abroad.

The multitude of activities of the TCCI focus on the business community of Thessaloniki, but extend also further covering the broader economic, social and cultural development of the area and the broader region of Northern Greece.

We live in a constantly changing global environment. Within this framework the Thessaloniki Chamber of Commerce and Industry has greatly enhanced its extroversion, gaining global orientation.

The activities of the Chamber mainly extend to the whole world. In this effort to constantly upgrade the services provided by our chamber, its human workforce through new technologies, that have expanded the role and capabilities of TCCI, has contributed greatly.

We believe that through our website we are contributing to the provision of responsible, reliable information to all interested parties and we intend to proceed with new, more specialized activities in this direction.

Ioannis Masoutis , President of TCCI

European Projects